Hai, Welcome to Inlovewithcode.

I am Sampath, Software Developer by Profession. I am a full-time Python programmer.

Full-time Python Developer Data Analyst  Tools Development Unix System Admin Full Stack Development Data Science Blogger Foodie :)

I have been working most on developing data wrangling, ETL Infrastructure Tools, Infrastructure Monitoring  & (Analytical) Reporting Dashboard._ This blog is my short notes of wonderful things I find across._

This blog is also my dedication to Python language. In this blog, I will cover some Python programming related notes mostly and some notes on Bash Scripting, SQL & Mysql. For some time, I have been working on expanding my data wrangling skill towards data science areas, soon I will add some notes on data science as an when I found interesting things.

In short, purpose of this blog:


To help myself and some juniors.

You can get in touch  - Linkedin, GitHub,  Kaggle

Thank you.