Strategy Pattern

Duck Class

  • quack
  • display # override for each sub-class category


(Newly requested speacial features)

  • quacking (optional) # would be bad to have in all the sub-classes

  • fly (optional) # would be bad to have in all the sub-classes

(Since inheritance would, copy the cold –> destroys all dependents)

Identify the aspect of your app that vary, and separate them from what stays the same.


Take what varies and “encapsulate” it, so it won’t effect the rest of the code

[solution 1]

3 classes

As usual parent class - Duck

  • Duck class
  • Flying Ducks class
  • Quacking Ducks class

Q. How to get a Flying + Quacking class ??

Program to interface, not to implementation


NOTE: Use an interface to represent each behaviour

  • Flying
    • DoFlyDucks
    • NoFlyDucks
  • Quacking
    • QuackDucks
    • SqueakDucks
    • MuteDucks