Solid Princles for writting better Python Code(OOPS)
Solid Princles for writting better Python Code(OOPS)
by Per Fagrell (Spotify, backend engg)
Source: Youtube
- step by step building things
Classes, Interaction Descriping, Blue Prints,
OOP Maps your mtal model to code.
Python Give A LOT of freedom
- One-off Scripts
- Frameworks & libraries
- Games & applications
Design Principles
Solid Principles (Uncle bob martin)
- [S]Single Responsiblity Principle.
- Break a larger object to smaller ones
- Use Mixin to maintain Single Responsiblility Feature
- [O]Open/Close Principle
- Code should open to extension but closed to modification
- [L]Liskov Susitutability Principle
- (DuckTypying) Do use subclasses for a functionality tthat was not purpose of its base class
- [I]Interface Segregation Principle
- Method is not being used? remove it.
- How many methods are being used.
- [D]Dependency Inversion Principle
- High Level modules should not depend on Low level
- both should depend on abstractions
Bonus Learning
- Tell, Dont ask
- Tell objects to do the work , dont ask them(for data)
Think in object, objects can express domain