To begin with to inspire you, lets start with few questions which I come across in last few days?

Gall-up made a survey in 2012, promising Romney the position but thing went upside down during the last min and Obama became president.

How? Data Science. Obama found that it’s better to strengthen his strong supporting areas than others.

FunFact: A data scientist who observed this predicted this few months* before final election.

For example how Techcrunch increase their website traffic flow by using data science?

TechCrunch understood the magic of utilizing list of keyword often searched by users all over the word and started creating articles according to it with respective tags and details.

Advantage : More traffic to their website and articles and of course more $$$. Few reports say 75% increase in growth.(I am not sure of numbers rt nw)

If you know it’s going to raining heavy, you better start selling/buying the umbrellas or raincoats before time otherwise that information is as good as useless.

But to have that information, you need to have data. If you are not updated, almost 75% information in the word is generated only in couple of years.

We have abundant data laying around, what world right now need is data analysis first and data scientist to take that information further & predict possibilities.