make or how to create a makefile

make tool or make file is a simple rule based system to help developers/admins to do repetitive jobs. Here is a basic format of how a make file looks like.

How does a make_file syntax looks like?

[code lang=text]

syntax of makefile

: <tab/tab_space> : <tab/tab_space> : <tab/tab_space>\ <tab/tab_space> [/code] How do you run a make command? [code lang=text] bash-3.2$ date Tue Mar 22 21:56:16 IST 2015 bash-3.2$ make rule01 [/code] Few rules for using this rule based system: * File name can be `Makefile` or `makefile` * File should in the location where you want to execute make commands * with no arguments, make executes the first rule in the file. * By putting the list of files on which the command depends on the first line after the ":", make knows that rule needs to be executed if any of those files change.(Like a Trigger) * use only tabs for formatting code. * make expects executable code is in one line but for convenience, you can use `\` for increasing its scope. Here is a crazy example/sample makefile for some special people [code lang=text] SDS-bash3.2$ ls -l Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 sampathm wheel 253 Mar 29 11:36 Makefile SDS-bash3.2$ cat Makefile #! /usr/bin/make # Aliases GREETINGS="hello sam" # Helper function - default help: echo "InputError:\ Try: make list" # list of commands list: echo "make game # does the stuff"\ # command 1 game: echo ${GREETINGS} # command n clean: rm -f *.o SDS-bash3.2$ make clean rm -f *.o SDS-bash3.2$ make # to see default working echo "InputError:\ Try: make list" InputError:Try: make list SDS-bash3.2$ SDS-bash3.2$ make list echo "make game # does the stuff"\ make game # does the stuff SDS-bash3.2$ make clean rm -f *.o SDS-bash3.2$ [/code] You can consider that this is an introduction to start for learning make. Here is another short quick tutorial for make (, where author mention about how to use variable & regular expression and other operations in make_file. References: