Participate in GitHub Started Repo Development
Python document engine
- Easy the documentation of projects (or) Find & Develop on OpenSource Development projects
Desktop UI Tool
- Need to develop a personal desktop UI Framework to create Quick Apps
- Request Management System
File manager
manage file duplicates
bulk file renames
Youtube Volume Manager
increase/decrease volume of each video gazing at the user output preference
reduce the noise
Create a small tool to enable windows users to run Linux commands
list all basic commands
create batch script or tools
Create a web browser
with base split functionality
interface to you system terminal
remote file editing feature
IPython notebook should run
Study 100 Machine Learning problems & codes
create a machine learning system that converts stories into rhyming words
word vectorizer
Publish an interesting article/white paper/research work
Do 3~6 months of online volunteering
Create a Ipython Widget - for time tracking
Magic function for time consumption is done
next step: bug Ipython.core.PromptManager
here add a timer not to each prompt
also add list those times vs cell id’s
An article of Python Packages
To know the tightly coupled packages in Python
Commonly dependent packages in Python