Git OpenSource Development


Learn basic command like follow

  • git init
  • git clone
  • git branch
  • git checkout
  • git diff
  • git merge
  • git add
  • git apply & git apply -R

By now you would have learned how to do all basic operations of using git. For OpenSource development, you would need to know these details.

How to setup a git repo?

Quick setup — if you’ve done this kind of thing before

We recommend every repository include a README, LICENSE, and .gitignore.

…or create a new repository on the command line

<span class="user-select-contain">echo "# test" >></span>
<span class="user-select-contain">git init</span>
<span class="user-select-contain">git add</span>
<span class="user-select-contain">git commit -m "first commit"</span>
<span class="user-select-contain">git remote add origin <strong><span class="js-git-clone-help-text"></span></strong></span>
<span class="user-select-contain">git push -u origin master</span>


…or push an existing repository from the command line

<span class="user-select-contain">git remote add origin <strong><span class="js-git-clone-help-text"></span></strong></span>
<span class="user-select-contain">git push -u origin master</span>

How to copy a git repo to your local system?

<span class="user-select-contain">git clone <<strong><span class="js-git-clone-help-text">></span></strong></span>

How to fork a git repo and send a pull request?

Fork a git repo

Fork/ Forking a git repo means taking a copy of repository for yourself. This helps you to do either research on that code for yourself to develop that tool for community & help them fix bugs, add features and enjoy open source development.

Step1: Got to repo you wish to contribution or learn about

Step2: Check for Fork button and click it.

Get your local copy

Step1: Go the folder location where you want to save your code

Step2: Run below command.

<code>clone <span class="hljs-tag"><<span class="hljs-title">your</span> <span class="hljs-attribute">git</span> <span class="hljs-attribute">repo</span> <span class="hljs-attribute">link</span>></span> <span class="hljs-tag"><<span class="hljs-title">foldername</span>></span></code>

Folder name is optional here. From this local repo, you can do all your development.

Pull request

Pull request is a way to send developed code changes to community repo.

Step1: Commit your changes.

Step2: Push code the changes to github repository

Step2: Go to your GitHub repo as shown here ( checking this video) and click check & pull request.

Source: [](

Source: [10 mins Introduction]

How to update your forked repo from parent repository?

Background information

I have forked yip module repo from balzss to help him with little development if possible and also learn a bit about open source development. So I have a repo at, which you can check. Last night it seems our friend(balzss) did little code clean and over repo is not yet up to date.

Here are the steps of how to update your repo from parent developer repo. Note:

my prompt looks like below

<code class=" hljs css">(<span class="hljs-tag">env</span>)➜  <span class="hljs-tag">yip</span> <span class="hljs-tag">git</span><span class="hljs-pseudo">:(development)</span> ✗
(<span class="hljs-tag">env</span>)➜  <span class="hljs-tag">yip</span> <span class="hljs-tag">git</span><span class="hljs-pseudo">:(development)</span> ✗ <span class="hljs-tag">date</span>
<span class="hljs-tag">Sun</span> <span class="hljs-tag">Nov</span> 13 11<span class="hljs-pseudo">:41</span><span class="hljs-pseudo">:45</span> <span class="hljs-tag">IST</span> 2016</code>

Step1: Check you current repo status

<code class=" hljs avrasm">(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git remote -v
origin  https://github<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.com</span>/msampathkumar/yip<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.git</span> (fetch)
origin  https://github<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.com</span>/msampathkumar/yip<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.git</span> (<span class="hljs-keyword">push</span>)</code>

Step2: Add an upstream link to pull update from parent development code

<code>(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git remote <span class="hljs-keyword">add</span> upstream https://github<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.com</span>/balzss/yip<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.git</span></code>

Step3: Check the if you can see upstream branches

<code class=" hljs avrasm">(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git remote -v
origin  https://github<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.com</span>/msampathkumar/yip<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.git</span> (fetch)
origin  https://github<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.com</span>/msampathkumar/yip<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.git</span> (<span class="hljs-keyword">push</span>)
upstream    https://github<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.com</span>/balzss/yip<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.git</span> (fetch)
upstream    https://github<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.com</span>/balzss/yip<span class="hljs-preprocessor">.git</span> (<span class="hljs-keyword">push</span>)</code>

Step4: Pull update from parent repo and merge these changes into you master and development branches

Note: I have two branch master and development, So I have to update both of them

<code class=" hljs fsharp">(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git fetch upstream
remote: Counting objects: <span class="hljs-number">4</span>, <span class="hljs-keyword">done</span>.
remote: Compressing objects: <span class="hljs-number">100</span>% (<span class="hljs-number">4</span>/<span class="hljs-number">4</span>), <span class="hljs-keyword">done</span>.
remote: Total <span class="hljs-number">4</span> (delta <span class="hljs-number">0</span>), reused <span class="hljs-number">0</span> (delta <span class="hljs-number">0</span>), pack-reused <span class="hljs-number">0</span>
Unpacking objects: <span class="hljs-number">100</span>% (<span class="hljs-number">4</span>/<span class="hljs-number">4</span>), <span class="hljs-keyword">done</span>.
From https:<span class="hljs-comment">//</span>
 * [<span class="hljs-keyword">new</span> branch]      develop    -> upstream/develop
 * [<span class="hljs-keyword">new</span> branch]      master     -> upstream/master

Step5: Update your branches with upstream master

<code class=" hljs livecodeserver">(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git branch
* development
(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git checkout master
Switched <span class="hljs-built_in">to</span> branch <span class="hljs-string">'master'</span>
Your branch is up-<span class="hljs-built_in">to</span>-<span class="hljs-built_in">date</span> <span class="hljs-operator">with</span> <span class="hljs-string">'origin/master'</span>.
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git checkout master
Already <span class="hljs-command"><span class="hljs-keyword">on</span> <span class="hljs-string">'master'</span></span>
Your branch is up-<span class="hljs-built_in">to</span>-<span class="hljs-built_in">date</span> <span class="hljs-operator">with</span> <span class="hljs-string">'origin/master'</span>.
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git <span class="hljs-built_in">merge</span> upsteam/master
<span class="hljs-built_in">merge</span>: upsteam/master - <span class="hljs-operator">not</span> something we can <span class="hljs-built_in">merge</span>
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git remote -v
origin  <span class="hljs-keyword">https</span>:// (fetch)
origin  <span class="hljs-keyword">https</span>:// (push)
upstream    <span class="hljs-keyword">https</span>:// (fetch)
upstream    <span class="hljs-keyword">https</span>:// (push)
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git branch
* master
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git <span class="hljs-built_in">merge</span> upstream/master
Updating f071330..d5c8c59
 yip | <span class="hljs-number">145</span> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<span class="hljs-comment">----------------------------------------------------------------</span>
 <span class="hljs-number">1</span> <span class="hljs-built_in">file</span> changed, <span class="hljs-number">81</span> insertions(+), <span class="hljs-number">64</span> deletions(-)
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗</code>

Step6: Push you local code changes to you home git repo

<code class=" hljs lasso">(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git push
Counting objects: <span class="hljs-number">10</span>, done<span class="hljs-built_in">.</span>
Delta compression using up <span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> <span class="hljs-number">4</span> threads<span class="hljs-built_in">.</span>
Compressing objects: <span class="hljs-number">100</span><span class="hljs-subst">%</span> (<span class="hljs-number">4</span>/<span class="hljs-number">4</span>), done<span class="hljs-built_in">.</span>
Writing objects: <span class="hljs-number">100</span><span class="hljs-subst">%</span> (<span class="hljs-number">4</span>/<span class="hljs-number">4</span>), <span class="hljs-number">822</span> <span class="hljs-built_in">bytes</span> <span class="hljs-subst">|</span> <span class="hljs-number">0</span> <span class="hljs-built_in">bytes</span>/s, done<span class="hljs-built_in">.</span>
Total <span class="hljs-number">4</span> (delta <span class="hljs-number">2</span>), reused <span class="hljs-number">0</span> (delta <span class="hljs-number">0</span>)
remote: Resolving deltas: <span class="hljs-number">100</span><span class="hljs-subst">%</span> (<span class="hljs-number">2</span>/<span class="hljs-number">2</span>), completed <span class="hljs-keyword">with</span> <span class="hljs-number">2</span> <span class="hljs-built_in">local</span> objects<span class="hljs-built_in">.</span>
<span class="hljs-keyword">To</span> https:<span class="hljs-comment">//</span>
   f071330<span class="hljs-built_in">..</span>d5c8c59  master <span class="hljs-subst">-> </span>master
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git branch <span class="hljs-attribute">-a</span>
<span class="hljs-subst">*</span> master
  remotes/origin/HEAD <span class="hljs-subst">-> </span>origin/master
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git pull
Already up<span class="hljs-attribute">-to</span><span class="hljs-attribute">-date</span><span class="hljs-built_in">.</span></code>

Step7: Now update your local development branch also.

<code class=" hljs livecodeserver">(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git checkout master
Already <span class="hljs-command"><span class="hljs-keyword">on</span> <span class="hljs-string">'master'</span></span>
Your branch is up-<span class="hljs-built_in">to</span>-<span class="hljs-built_in">date</span> <span class="hljs-operator">with</span> <span class="hljs-string">'origin/master'</span>.
(env)➜  yip git:(master) ✗ git checkout development
Switched <span class="hljs-built_in">to</span> branch <span class="hljs-string">'development'</span>
Your branch is up-<span class="hljs-built_in">to</span>-<span class="hljs-built_in">date</span> <span class="hljs-operator">with</span> <span class="hljs-string">'origin/development'</span>.
(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git <span class="hljs-built_in">merge</span> master
Updating d7f2f40..d5c8c59
 yip | <span class="hljs-number">48</span> ++++++++++++++++++++++++<span class="hljs-comment">------------------------</span>
 <span class="hljs-number">1</span> <span class="hljs-built_in">file</span> changed, <span class="hljs-number">24</span> insertions(+), <span class="hljs-number">24</span> deletions(-)
(env)➜  yip git:(development) ✗ git pull
Already up-<span class="hljs-built_in">to</span>-<span class="hljs-built_in">date</span>.</code>


  • Add parent repo to your remote repo
  • Merge remote branch master code into your local branch master code
  • Update your local branch master code to git repo
  • Also update your development branch from your master
