Python II # OOPS - Part 2
All the example here may be or may not be connected to each other depending on the need. Be wise & understand where & how you can use this functionality for your need.
Getter and Setter Method
<code>class Square:
def __init__(self, height=0, w
# getter
def height(self):
print(“retriving the height”)
return self.__height
# setter
def height(self, value):
if value.isdigit():
self.__height = value
print(‘InputError: only numerical value pace’)
Note: Check the setter and getter method added for Square class
Actual value if
is stored in another variable called__height
for getter method -
for setter method
Methods - class methods
def whoami():
Class Methods: It does not matter if class is initialised, it just works.
keyword to note is
Inside params there is no
Magic Method
<code>def __str__(self):
return “know thyself”, self.__name__,, self.hp
Note: This method gives a meaning result when you print this object otherwise you will only see an instance’s meta data which you won’t understand.
<code>class Mammal(Animal):
def __init__(self, birthType=”born alive”,…):
Animal.__init(self, birthType, appearance,…._:
self.__new_features = new_feature
def new_features():
return self.__nurseYoung
def nurseYoung(self, nurseYpung):
if nurseYoung.isalpha():
self.__nurseYOung = nurseYOung
print “nurseYOung has to be a string”
Note: Look at is init method
We used parentheses in the Class Name as we using inheritance - otherwise not required.
This class called its parent class Animal & then does the initialisation using Animal’s init and then
For extra variables added variable with its custom getter & setter methods
<code> def __str__(self):
## appending super’s output & printing a new info
return super().__str__() + “ and also nurse their young”
Note: This method is to call its parent & use its out and then makes its own new with added information.
- Parent already has that method.
Function Overload / Operator Overload ==> no. of input variables is not fixed
<code># In Python - type casting setting is Dynamic
# In Java, C - its static Type Casting
## def sumAll(self, a_int, b_int, c_int)
## def sumAll(self, a_int, b_int, c_str)
## def sumAll(self, a_int, b_str, c_str)
def sumAll(self, *args):
sum = 0
for i in args:
sum += int(i)
return sum
Note: This method works for any number of inputs number* whether given as number or strings
<code>def tell_me_whp_are_you(object):
print(‘my name is’, object.__name__)
Note: This method works for any object/instance that has name attribute, it does not matter what kind of object it is.
Magic method (part2) (Already shown once above for str)
<code>def __add__(vector1, vector2):
vector1.x += vector2.x
vector1.y += vector2.y
vector1.z += vector2.z
vector2 = vector1 # repoint & del vector2
return vector1
Note: Like init, this add can help you create basic functions like add, sub, multiplayer, div, mod-modulus.
[Classes, Variables/Attributes, Function/Methods, Getter/Property, Setter] (
[Inheritance, Magic Function, Overriding, Function Overloading, polymorphism, magic methods] (