Have you ever face an issue where you have made multiple files from one big file based on tag/column value present in a line? Then this post is for you. At the end of the post, i.e. in next 5 mins you will be able to answer below questions.

How to split a file based on condition?

How to segregate data in file? How to use if else if condition in awk? How to pass variable to awk?

Problem statement: I have a list of servers in inventory.csv. Now I want to segregate unix team’s data into multiple files based on team name. I know that I have teams - teamA, teamB, teamC

# defining myPathiable

# using 'grep -iw' we search for Unix team data
# using '-v' option passing variable inside awk
grep -iw unix inventory.csv | awk -v myPath="${folder_location}" -F: '{
# using condition if & else if condition seggregating data
# below conditon for teamA
if ($8 == "teamA") print > "myPath/teamA.csv"
# below conditon for teamB
else if ($8 == "teamB") print > "myPath/teamB.csv"
# below conditon for teamC
else if ($8 == "teamC") print > "myPath/teamB.csv"
# optimism # below conditon if there is a new team which is not teamA or teamB or teamC
else print > "myPath/others.csv"

Re-writing above code

grep -iw unix inventory.csv | awk -v myPath="${folder_location}" -F: '{
if ($8 == "teamA") print > "myPath/teamA.csv"
else if ($8 == "teamB") print > "myPath/teamB.csv"
else if ($8 == "teamC") print > "myPath/teamB.csv"
else print > "myPath/others.csv"

Assignment: In programming, parsing a file twice is a sin. In the above code we are using ‘grep’ to parse & find the unix data. If you have understood awk, you should be able to make above code more beautiful just with -awk. Good Luck.