How to ZIP and ENUMERATE at same time?

def foo():
    a = xrange(1, 15000, 1)
    b = xrange(15000, 1, -1)
    for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(a, b,)):

In case if you are about to use zip, enumerate, range - in same go, you can do following which is much faster

def boo():
    a = xrange(1, 15000, 1)
    b = xrange(15000, 1, -1)
    for i, a, b in izip(count(), a, b):

Here is function for testing counting execution time.

def delta(func):
    from time import time
    t1 = time()
    print "execution time : ", time() - t1, 'Sec(s)'

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